This guide shows how self-administrable tools can be used to assess community mobilisation of any community-based organisation (CBO). The book can help CBOs assess their own performance, plan their future strategies and monitor themselves.
Budgets are the starting point of this book, and it continues with different types of revenue and taxes at the local level. Tax Justice is introduced and finally the book explains decentralization and the dilemma local government has in terms of limited independent space for planning and implementing plans. The book is designed for field workers and civil society organisations at the local level. Whilst the political context is very different in each country, it is hoped the book can inspire engagement in budget work at the local level. The book includes tools for analysing budgets and understanding political economy at the local level.
This book is a collection of writings by evaluation professionals working in South Asia and aims to analyse and document the status of, and challenges for, development evaluation in this region. It covers three critical dimensions of making evaluation matter in development processes and change in South Asia: context, methods, and use. Drawing on a depth of experience from across the region it explores how the South Asian context influences the methods that are appropriate for evaluating policies, programs and projects, and the challenges to having evaluation findings used to influence and bring about change. Purchase details from Sage India.
This toolkit draws on the experience of the use of participatory tools within an evaluation context. Focused on the feminist ethic of listening to the voices of women whilst also locating a framework to analyse the power relations within which women's lives are embedded, the Toolkit lays out how one may use tools such as body mapping and resource mapping, amongst several others, in feminist evaluations.
The second volume in the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute Program Evaluation Series focuses on the emerging evaluation technique of Ripple Effects Mapping (REM). This participatory data collection method is designed to capture the impact of complex programs and collaborative processes. Well-suited for evaluating group-focused efforts, Ripple Effects Mapping involves aspects of Appreciative Inquiry, mind mapping, facilitated discussion, and qualitative data analysis.
As the REM process unfolds, the intended and unintended impacts of participant efforts are visually displayed in a way that encourages discussion and engagement. Using these visuals, plus other graphics, pictures, and real-life examples of how Ripple Effects Mapping has been successfully used in multiple settings, this book provides a comprehensive overview of REM. Providing an in-depth examination of the origins, elements, and how-to of the REM process, the Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping is a step by-step guide to successfully implementing this process with a group, collaboration, or community of choice.