Agroforestry for Sustainable Production: Economic Implications Authors: Prinsley, Roslyn Tamara (ed.) 1990 Publisher Commonwealth Secretariat London, UK http://
Beer and Baskets: The Economics of Women's Livelihoods in Ngamiland, Botswana Authors: Bishop, John Scoones, Ian 1994 Publisher IIED. Sustainable Agriculture Programme London http://
Local-Level Economic Valuation of Savanna Woodland Resources: Village Cases from Zimbabwe 1995 Publisher IIED. Sustainable Agriculture Programme London http://
The Hidden Harvest: The Value of Wild Resources in Agricultural Systems. A Summary Authors: Guijt, Irene Hinchcliffe, Fiona Melnyk, Mary (comps.) 1995 Publisher IIED. Sustainable Agriculture Programme London http://
Women's Role in Dynamic Forest-Based Small Scale Enterprises: Case Studies on Uppage and Lacquerware from India Authors: Campbell, Jeffrey Y. 1991 Publisher FAO Rome
Case Studies in Forest-Based Small Scale Enterprises in Asia: Rattan, Matchmaking and Handicrafts Authors: Campbell, Jeffrey Y. (ed) 1991 Publisher FAO Quetta, Pakistan http://
Marketing Information Systems for Non-Timber Forest Products Authors: Koppell, Carla 1995 Publisher FAO Rome
Local-Level Assessment of the Economic Importance of Wild Resources in the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria 1997 Publisher IIED. Sustainable Agriculture Programme London http://
Improving Food Security: A Guide for Rural Development Managers Authors: Hubbard, Michael 1995 Publisher Intermediate Technology Publications London, UK
Chapati Diagramming: An Account of an Attempt Made to Use it in Problem Solving Authors: Prakash, Ravi R. 1997 Publisher MYRADA Bangalore, India http://
Methodologies for Studying Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries Authors: Magrath, P. 1992 Publisher Natural Resources Institute Chatham Maritime, UK http://
Action Research and Small Enterprise Promotion: Methods of Participatory Project Planning and Implementation in Development Cooperation Authors: Gagel, Dieter (ed.) 1995
Beyond Credit: A Subsector Approach to Promoting Women's Enterprises Authors: Chen, Martha Alter 1996
Participatory Learning Approaches in Multisectoral Projects: Experiences from Rural and Urban Development Cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America 1995