Subsidy or self-respect?: community led total sanitation: and update on recent developments Download available Authors: Kar, Kamal Pasteur, Katherine 2005 Publisher Institute of Development Studies Falmer, Brighton, UK
Participatory Technology Development for Rainfed Agriculture Improvement in the Semi-Arid Tropics in India: A Case Study Linking Process to Impact Authors: Igbokwe, Kennedy N. San Buenaventura, Romy Basilio, Carlos Killough, Scott Pandhare, Neelkant Ramachandrappa 1994 Publisher International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Cavite, Philippines http://
Resource Book on Sustainable Agriculture for the Uplands Authors: Capistrano, Lyn N. Durno, Janet Moeliono, Ilya (eds.) 1990 Publisher International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Cavite, Philippines http://
Sustainability Indicators and Soil Conservation: A Participatory Impact Study and Self-Evaluation of the Catchment Approach of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya Authors: Thompson, John Pretty, Jules N. 1995 Publisher International Institute for Environment and Development London, UK
Culture and Local Knowledge: Thier Roles in Soil and Water Conservation Authors: Ístberg, Wilhelm Reij, Chris 1996 Publisher Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden http://
Meeting Community Needs for Monitoring Catchment Health Authors: Irons, Christopher D. Walker, Joe 1996 Publisher CSIRO. Division of Water Resources Camberra http://