241 - 255 of 1189 items
Paths for change : experiences in participation and democratisation in Lindi and Mtwara regions, Tanzania.
This document outlines the learning process that the Rural Integrated Project Support, RIPS Phase II has gone through in introducing a participatory approach to its work in rural development in two southern regions of Tanzania over the last five years, as seen by the stakeholders and facilitators in that process.
Local forest management : hope for the future in our struggle for survival.
The village of Drevdagen, situated in a remote area of Sweden near the Norwegian border had its forest user rights taken away from it by the government in the 1800s and now finds itself squeezed to death between a nature reserve to the south and production forest belonging to an international company to the north. This article describes how PRA has been used in current efforts to secure village management of the forest resources for nature and culture tourism.
A two week PRA method course was undertaken during which social, historical and economic information regarding the village was collected. Information from the PRA exercise was then displayed in the village school and used as a basis for discussing future management options with various stakeholders, including local and regional government and the main forest owners.
Understanding market opportunities : an enterprising approach to livelihood strategies.
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Introductory article to special edition of PLA notes focusing on methods that can be used to understand market opportunities.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Promoting effective participation : a policy oriented study of community involvement in rural development planning.
In the light of a recent decentralisation law in Mozambique this study examines the possible obstacles and facilitating factors regarding decision-making sharing between traditional authorities, the local government and NGOs involved in a rural development plan in Mandima Distict, Niassa Province.
Freedom of information is key to anti-corruption campaign in rural India.
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Literature review on popular participation and democratic decentralization.
Literature review including references ranging from theoretical definitions of the term decentralisation to practical participatory tools and methods for enhancing its process in developing countries.
Participatory tools and techniques : a resource kit for participation and social assessment
A resource kit consisting of a video and manuals, providing information and experience on participatory methods in order to support the adoption of participatory approaches in World Bank projects and studies. The kit includes modules on social assessment, stakeholder analysis, PRA, SARAR and beneficiary assessment, and participatory monitoring and evaluation.
World Bank
Participatory assessment for people with disabilities
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This article outlines a method for letting members of disabled associations give their opinions on how well they are being served by their association. The development of the method and its strengths, weaknesses and orientation towards donors are discussed.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Stepping forward : children and young people's participation in the development process
This book presents issues and challenges facing those facilitating children's and young people's participation. The contributors come from a wide range of backgrounds including NGOs in development, children's agencies, academic insitutions and governments and provide case studies from the UK, Eastern Europe, asia, Africa, the Carribean and central and north America. Chapter 1 gives and overview to the main issues and concepts and chapters 2-7 each expand on a particular theme. The main issues discussed and analysed include: the ethical dilemmas facing professionals, the process and methods used in partlicipatory research and planning with children, the inter-relationship between culture and children's participation, considerations for instiutions and the key qualities of a participation programme.
IT Publications
International conference on participation of primary stakeholders : lessons learned and ways forward
A set of emerging next steps for mainstreaming participation in the World Bank and its partners, developed by the NGO Working Group. There are eight recommendations: 1) institutional renewal and reform with incentives and monitoring. 2) Setting and enforcing minimum quality standards and using participatory monitoring and evaluation and active dissemination of information. 3) Participatory policy development to include participation of multiple stakeholders. 4) Flagship projects in which a few countries build country level partnerships and capacity. 5) Paying attention to the enabling context, most specifically participation and governance. 6) Strengthening a participation network that cuts across various stakeholders. 7) A mechanism for continuous learning and action. 8) Concrete plans to implement these ideas.
Community Organizing : people power from the grassroots
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This article focuses on defining and developing the ideas behind community organising. It starts by outlining four fundamental strategies available to neighborhood groups: organizing, advocacy, service delivery or development. This is followed by what community organizing is and is not, its principles, some rules and some advice on defining an action strategy.