Summer Institute on Participatory Rural Appraisal for Agricultural Research: June 7th-25th, 1995 1995 Publisher Tamil Nadu Agricultural University|Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies Coimbatore http://
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University|Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies Coimbatore http://
Participatory Rural Appraisal: Background and Tools for Environmental Assessment Authors: Ulvila, Marko 1993
Parks, People and Professionals: Putting "Participation" into Protected Areas Management Authors: Pimbert, Michel P. Pretty, Jules N. 1995 Publisher United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Geneva http://
Joint Forest Management: Concept and Opportunities 1992 Publisher Society for the Promotion of Wastelands Development New Delhi http://
Forest Resources Management in Bangladesh: Issues, Problems and Prospects Authors: Rahman, S.H. Hossain, M.Z. Ali, S.I. Huq, S. (eds.) 1990 Publisher Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Pothikrit, Bangladesh http://
Participatory Environmental Impact Assessments for Community Forestry Activities: Concepts, Introduction and Procedures Authors: Weber, Fred R. 1989
Water Markets in Pakistan: Participation and Productivity Authors: Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Sullins, Martha 1994 Publisher International Food Policy Research Institute. Environment and Production Technology Division Washington, D.C. http://
International Food Policy Research Institute. Environment and Production Technology Division Washington, D.C. http://
Planning with Pastoralists: PRA and More. A Review of the Methods Focused on Africa Authors: Waters-Bayer, Ann Bayer, Wolfgang 1994 Publisher GTZ G÷ttingen http://
How Culture-Sensitive are Participatory Methods for Analysis and Planning at Grassroots Level? Some Critical Concerns and Questions Based on the Field Experiences of COOPIBO Staff Using Such Techniques in Different Cultures of Uganda and Zimbabawe Authors: Debrabandere, RÚgine 1996
Liberalisation of the Mongolian Pastoral Economy and Its Impact within the Household: A Case Study of Arhangai and Dorngobi Provinces Authors: Cooper, Louise Gelezhamtsin, Narangerel 1993
Rapid Appraisal Techniques: A Tool for Planning and Managing Animal Health and Production Development Programmes Authors: Ghirotti, M.
Rapid Appraisal for Animal Health and Production Development Programmes: A Method Stressing the Need for Recording and Checking Quantitative Indicators Authors: Ghirotti, M.
Using Participatory Methods to Understand Gender Differences in Perceptions of Poverty, Well-Being, and Social Change: People's Perspective from a Village in Ghana Authors: Kaul Shah, Meera 1993 Abstract See also author's paper of same title (1995)
Participative Rural Appraisal: Potential Applications to Family Planning, Health and Nutrition Programs Authors: Heaver, Richard 1991 Publisher World Bank. Asian Region http://