Women's issues and project appraisal

Publication year: 

The author argues the need to include women's issues in an RRA, since "analysis of likely or actual "before" and "after" situations are less obvious for women than for men". The "tarmac bias" is more significant for women than for men, so the RRA approach can offer significant gains. The article outlines how the RRA process can explore women's issues, but stresses the danger of "compartmentalising them" within the eventual overall report.

Interest groups: 
This article raises issues of interest to researchers, fieldworkers and planners.
pp. 32-39
Rapid Rural Appraisal: social structure and rural economy
IDS Publications Office, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK. E-mail: ids.books@sussex.ac.uk
Brighton, UK
R. Longhurst
Publisher reference: 
Institute of Development Studies

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D : Gender 367
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00