Who Holds the Stick? Behaviour and Attitudes in PRA

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This video emphasises the importance of behaviour and attitudes in development processes which are genuinely participatory and empowering. Following an introduction to PRA and its many applications (00-07), the remainder of the video focuses on the nature of relationships between outsiders and the people whom the PRA is intended to empower (08). The importance of behaviour and attitudes are illustrated by showing insensitive examples of unequal seating arrangements in public meetings (12), exclusion of women by seating arrangements, lack of communication by eye contact (13), dominating facilitators and intimidating dress style (14). These are contrasted with sensitive PRA which carries a conscious commitment to reversing power relations and soliciting different opinions, especially from the marginalised (15). Examples show women playing a leading role in public discussion (17), childrenÆs involvement, literate outsiders learning from non-literate people (19). The video also stresses the importance of institutionalising participatory cultures in external organisations in order that they can create participatory relationships with local partners (20-23). Personal change is the basis for institutional change.

WWF International, avenue de Mont Blanc, Gland, CH 1196 Switzerland; or Development Perspectives, A-6 Meera Apts., Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500029, India; or IDS, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 9RE, UK.
25 mins

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00