Wealth Ranking in Sudan

Publication year: 

The approach reported on by this paper uses the perceptions of informants to rank households within a village or quarter of a village according to overall wealth. The example comes from a RRA conducted in a village in the Sudan. Also, preference and direct matrix rankings used to investigate local incentives to tree management near Khartoum are reported. In the latter, two techniques were used: pair-wise preference ranking and direct matrix ranking. It is is concluded that ranking techniques provide a very useful way of investigating local decision-making criteria as well as providing comparisons between different priorities. The paper contains the results of the ranking procedure in tabular form, instructive diagrams and figures.

Interest groups: 
Fieldworkers, trainers, practioners and agriculturalists operating at the project and community level.
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD, UK
Conference address: The Agricultural Education and Training Unit Wolverhampton Polytechnic, Wolverhampton, UK
Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal Introductory Course.
Conference Location: 
IIED and the Agricultural Education and Training Unit, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, UK

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D : Agriculture 101
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00