Wealth ranking in the Gambia: which household participated in the FITT Programme?

Publication year: 

It starts by introducing the idea behind the Farmers' Innovation and Technology Testing (FITT), initiated by the Gambian government. Of the eight NGOs that participated in the FITT programme, two villages with farmers' groups that ActionAid The Gambia has worked with were investigated, namely, Boiram and Yonna. The wealth ranking exercise described here is part of the wider PRA exercise to evaluate the value of the FITT programme. Three key themes emerged from the wealth ranking exercise carried out in Boiram and Yonna. First, results of a differing nature were obtained from similar exercises. Second, the FITT programme did not reach the poorest in both cases. Lastly, the need to be flexible became apparent from the experience gained in both villages.

Interest groups: 
Researchers and economists, working at the community and project level.
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
RRA Notes
Number 15
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK

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A : RRA notes 96
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00