Publication year:
This paper describes the results of applying wealth and income ranking techniques in a society spatially and culturally distant from the ones where it had been applied previously. With regard to the income rank, income data from 38 households in a rural Indian village wereg collected for the cropping year June 1985 to May 1986. Assets considered for the wealth rank were: land, animals and the number of people engaged in employment. The paper concludes that wealth ranking is a useful technique of stratification for the area of India in which it was tested. It is reasonable to assume from this that the technique could be used in other parts of India.
Interest groups:
This paper would be of interest to those working at community and project level; in NGOs and the private sector; fieldworkers, trainers and researchers; economists and agriculturalists.
Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal Introductory Course.
Conference Location:
IIED and the Agricultural Education and Training Unit, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, UK.