Voices for change: rural women and communication

Publication year: 

This report provides an overview of communication and rural women, and is structured around five the key themes: communication in a changing world, invisible partners, giving a voice to rural women, communication approaches and looking towards the future. The report also features short case studies about womenÆs indigenous knowledge and communication; international conferences and the role of communication; participatory rural communication appraisal; Mayan women learning communication skills; participatory communication to assess the role of women in natural resource management in Pakistan; grassroots artists and popular communication in Malawi; developing agricultural technologies with rural women in Jamaica; access to the internet, village pay phones and a womenÆs networking support programme. The report concludes by looking at the potential of communication to be a powerful force for fostering learning, positive change and empowerment in the process of rural development: ôwithout communication the voices of rural women for change will not be heard.ö

37 p.
FAO Headquaters, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
Publisher reference: 

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00