VIPP: Visualisation in participatory programmes : a manual for facilitators and trainers involved in participatory group events.

Publication year: 

This manual is intended as an introduction to VIPP (Visualisation in Participatory Planning), a system whereby groups plan together using colour coded cards to brainstorm and prioritise options. VIPP is described as more democratic than ZOPP but, unlike PRA, is intended for use by literate planners rather than villagers themselves. Some of the VIPP techniques are similar to PRA, such as 'single or multi-dot questions' as a form of ranking. Drawing is used as a technique to discuss what development means. The manual includes detailed instructions on 'icebreakers' as well as information on equipment and training methods used within VIPP.

Interest groups: 
Many games and icebreakers are described which would be useful to PRA trainers. VIPP as a planning technique might interest policy makers, planners and researchers.
158 p.
(a) Programme Communication and Information Section, UNICEF, PO Box 58, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, Fax: 880-2-863678; or (b) Training and Staff Development Section, UNICEF, Three United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA, Fax: 212-303-7984
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publisher reference: 

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C : Guides and manuals : Training and workshop skills 971
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00