VEC training in Andhra Pradesh DPEP

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Despite rapid strides and expansion of primary education, as well as a significant increase in gross enrolment rates in India, there remains high drop out rates at primary level, low academic achievement amongst those who complete primary education and wide gender gaps. In 1993, the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) was launched, which focused on the quality of primary instruction, particularly in-service teacher training, improved teaching and learning materials, and improved school facilities. Village Education Committees (VECs) are visualised as the major plank for achieving community participation in primary education. VECs comprise 10-15 members who are elected by the 'gramsabha', the general body of the village. The primary role of the VEC is to enroll children from 6-11 years in primary schools, ensure those enrolled complete education up to class five, and ensure the quality of education in schools. This article attempts to capture some of the salient features of designing a large-scale training programme for VECs in Andra Pradesh. The objectives of VEC training included strengthening the VEC through making them understand their roles and responsibilities, providing skills necessary for community participation and participatory planning for education, and creating awareness among the villagers about VECs. The article describes the training details such as the approach taken, the methodology and the content of the training programme, while the actual training process is explained.

15 p.
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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00