Validating the Wealth Ranking by Participatory Rural Appraisal Vs Formal Survey in Identifying the Rural Poor

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This paper a) identifies classifiers of economic status used by rural communities in the area studied - Tamil Nadu, India, b) attempts to determine why local communitites and development professionals have used 'incorrect' criteria for this classification and c)compares standard economic household rankings with rankings using PRA methods.

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Wealth rankings using PRA methods were found to reflect more accurately the position of the community as they took into consideration factors which were appropriate to the local community whereas formal household ranking was too rigid to accommodate other criteria. A good description of the wealth ranking process highlighted by the comparison to formal ranking procedures.
Source publication information
Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ruhsa Campus, Tamil Nadu
R Abel, Head of RUHSA Dept, Christian Medical College & Hospital RUHSA Campus P.O. 632209, North Arcot, Ambedkar District, Tamil Nadu
Publisher reference: 
Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ruhsa Campus, Tamil Nadu

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B : Tools : Ranking 532
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00