Utilising PPA results to influence policy : experience in Uganda

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The government of Uganda is currently undertaking a three year consultation, policy influence and capacity development process, and has just completed a Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) as part of the first phase of this process. The aim is for the perspectives and priorities of the poor to influence policy, planning and the implementation of poverty reduction strategies. This paper looks at why in Uganda the voices of the poor have already been able to, and hopefully will continue to, influence policy. The importance of a conducive environment for poverty reduction, factors ensuring the successful implementation of a PPA, and those necessary to enable the findings from the PPA to influence policy and planning for poverty reduction, are all discussed.

Source publication information
Prepared for the World Bank
13 p.
Available at IDS for reference

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D : Poverty : PPAs 3654
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00