The use of PRA in ActionAid-The Gambia

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This paper explores how PRA has been used by Action Aid The Gambia (AATG) and seeks to establish the effect this has had in the areas where it has worked.

The first part traces the development of the activities, structures and procedures of AATG during the period prior to the introduction of PRA. This is followed by a description of the way PRA has been absorbed and utilised in the subsequent evolution of the NGO. It goes on to investigate the impact of the new approach on poverty, gender relations, and the capacity of local organisations. In conclusion an attempt is made to assess and account for the overall contribution made by PRA and to see how it might be employed differently in the future.

Source publication information
Typescript. Chapter from D.Brown et al; Participation in practice: case studies of participatory development in the Gambia, 2002 (forthcoming)
44 p.
Available at IDS for reference

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A : Participatory Approaches : General 4309
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00