Urban management training, action learning and rapid analysis methods

Publication year: 

An action learning approach using Rapid Analysis Methods - a modified form of RRA - has been developed by the Development Adminstration Group (DAG) at the University of Birmingham. The approach has been used in urban management training courses run by DAG and the Town and Country Planning Organisation (TCPO) in the Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, India. The aim of the methodology is to enhance problem-solving ability. This weakness in problem analysis has recently been identified as a central concern in the need to strengthen indigenous policy-making capacity. The article discusses the extent to which ideas about RRA can be transferred to the urban context and used in training programmes for government officials.

Interest groups: 
Will be of particular interest to those involved in urban management training.
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
RRA Notes
21 (November)

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A : RRA notes 681
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00