Attached to this letter to Robert Chambers from Apoorva Oza of the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP India), are typescripts of reports of PRA applications by participants in a PRA workshop. The first section contains a list of practical tips for training programmes. The second discusses how to proceed with South-South networking. Third is a short list of practical applications of PRA. A later section contains a matrix relating eight methods (mapping, wealth ranking, group discussion, interviewing, story telling, transects, ranking and tree matrices) to problems and opportunities for their application to AKRSP's women in development programme. A further section contains matrices discussing the application of methods in topical PRAs in forest management and agriculture. The fourth section contains four points relating to quality assurance in PRA. Participants and their contact details are listed in the fifth section.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
These notes may interest trainers, those involved in networking, and fieldworkers applying PRA methods to forest management, agriculture and women in development programmes.