Training in RRA/PRA : Some Reflections and Suggestions

Publication year: 

An analysis of problems encountered when training local Government officers in Nigeria in RRA techniques, is followed by suggestions for improving the course. A detailed account of each training module for topics such as checklist approach, semi-structured interviewing, wealth ranking, gives lists of questions for the trainer to ask and suggested structure for each session. In the final section, wider issues around selection of trainees and institutional training are discussed. The whole idea of training local government officers in RRA techniques is questioned: articulating people's real needs might place new pressures on the officers which they did not welcome. Finally the difficulties of setting up a training course for trainers are briefly mentioned.

Interest groups: 
The detailed suggestions for training sessions make this paper useful to RRA/PRA trainers of trainers. Although the context is an institutionalised training of Government officers, the paper would be relevant to NGOs and less formalised training situations.
23 p.
Robert Leurs, Development Administration Group, Birmingham University.
Workshop on RRA/PRA Training
Conference Location: 

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C : Training reflections and reports 205
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00