Publication year:
Developed from an "experiential learning exercise" in Agro-ecosystem mapping held at Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, this book could form the basis for a training programme on the following mapping methods : map of typography & hydrology, map of enterprises, map of social groups and transect of agro-ecological zones. Section A describes the training programme with the emphasis on field exercises covering the above methods. Case-studies based on the findings and templates (suitable for xeroxing for overhead projection) summarising training objectives and activities, are given in separate sections. The appendices contain articles for background reading.
Interest groups:
This training resource book is intended for "researchers wishing to learn and teach the essentials of Agro-Ecosystem Mapping", but would also be useful for fieldworkers, trainers and trainers of trainers.
55 p.
Publisher reference:
International Rice Research Institute / Ford Foundation