Training in rapid rural appraisal for baseline data collection and target group identification

Publication year: 

Training in the use of RRA for baseline data collection and target group identification was conducted in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, as part of a joint venture between the Governments of Indonesia and Canada. Nine trainees (from government agencies and NGOs) took part in the six week training, half of which was spent in a remote village area. This report describes the "set routine" of fieldwork, where a mixture of RRA (participatory mapping) and baseline data collection techniques were used. The results of the target group identification strategy are discussed in terms of successes and problem areas. The trainees' responses to using RRA techniques and "the potential for institutionalizing RRA/PRA" into official planning procedures in Indonesia conclude the report.

Interest groups: 
The report would interest trainers of trainers, trainers and planners in a Government context, though on the level of "issues" rather than training methodology.
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
RRA Notes
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK

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A : RRA notes 173
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00