A training centre for extension workers in the Emmental region of Switzerland "took on an initiative in RRA". The team consisted of twelve people from different backgrounds, five of whom were from 'the "outside" with experience in 'Southern' countries. This article describes in detail the programme, highlighting methods specific to this 'Northern' context (for example, using the telephone book to locate farms). Certain methods, such as visualization through using cards on pinboards, were already familiar as an established method of Swiss extension. "Mind mapping for setting up a motivation system" for the RRA as a whole proved useful for recruiting more team members and informing local journalists. The effect of having an outsider (who did not speak the local language) on the team was felt to be very positive - he could ask "silly questions" and "perceive things in an 'outlandish' way".
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Interest groups:
Trainers of trainers and extension workers in 'Northern' countries and trainers of trainers in 'Southern' countries would be interested in the details of methods and organization of this PRA.