This 'module' was formulated by ITAD and furnished to all World Food programme [WFP] staff. It describes several applications of Beneficiary Contact Monitoring [BCM] which can be used by the WFP to "improve monitoring by contacting the beneficiaries in person and seeking their views about project activities". The stated aims of the module are; 1. to explain the applications of BCM, 2. To explain the techniques for individual and group interviews and, 3. To illustrate where these applications would be most suitable. PRA methods are not mentioned, although RRAs are discussed in some depth. It is also noticeable that no mention is made of women or those 'beneficiaries' that do not come to the "group interviewing sessions". Despite these omissions, there are some useful points in the module, especially with reference to how to formulate questions so as to ensure unbiased information is obtained.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
The module is designed for WFP staff (policy makers and planners) and fieldworkers at the project and village level.
Publisher reference:
World Food Programme