This special edition of the æcorruption fighter's toolkit presents a diverse collection of youth education experiences mainly from civil society organisations. The common goal of all of the activities described is to strengthen young people's attitudes and demands for accountability, and ultimately to build trust in the government and public sector. Education is central to preventing corruption even clear laws and regulations and well-designed institutions will not be able to prevent corruption unless citizens actively demand accountability from government and institutions. This publication builds on Transparency International's work and looks at how ethics education can be part of broader efforts to improve governance and reduce corruption. The authors argue that within this framework, children must have an appropriate and conducive learning environment that values integrity. This collection of experiences provides ideas for possible approaches to strengthening young people's attitudes and capacity to resist corruption. Its main purpose is to inspire and encourage civil society, helping generate new ideas for anti-corruption education practitioners.
Publication year:
80 p.
Publisher reference:
Transparency International