This report presents a survey made by the College of Humanities and Development of China Agricultural University, on the status of poverty and the implementation of participatory village poverty alleviation plans (PVPAP) supported by the Chinese government. The survey was conducted in 24 villages in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Ningxia and Gansu, and informants at province, county, township and village level participated. The research methodologies included semi-structured interviews with key informants, focus groups and farmersÆ households, transect walks, and questionnaires. The report describes the research methodology in further detail and presents the findings of the survey. It examines the development and implementation of the PVPAPs, looking at problems with village selection and lack of participation, and highlighting key issues that need further attention regarding PVPAPs. The current status of poverty overall in China and in the PVPAP villages is presented together with a self-assessment of poverty by the poor themselves. The cases in all of the surveyed provinces are also presented, including findings and recommendations for the future. Among the main conclusions were: that while the absolute number of poor had decreased the gap between the poor and the rich had grown; the number of poor, whose poverty is caused by sicknesses, natural disasters, market risks and education expenses, is increasing; participatory methods have yet to become accepted in poverty reduction by the related government agencies; capacity building is needed; and the PVPAP must be further integrated into county development plans and others sector plans.
Publication year:
228 p.
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