Strengthening social change through assessment and organizational learning

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This report gives account of the discussions and findings of the 2003 Gray Rocks Conference on Social Change through Assessment and Organisational Learning in Canada. Over three days, a group of community activists, organisers, evaluators and other ôlearning partnersö from eleven countries, discussed how, as organisers and outsiders, they were helping activist groups meet their internal need to keep assessing, reflecting on and strengthening their work so that they could increase their impact; while also meting their external need to help their partners, funders and others outside their organisation understand, evaluate and learn from their work. The report presents four areas of broad agreement: work in the social change arena requires innovative approaches to monitoring; the paramount goal should be strengthening the organisations which are leading effort to bring about fundamental reforms; few funder currently give priority to meeting their granteesÆ needs when they require evaluations; and all parties committed to these causes can benefit from working together over the long run. The report goes on to look at assessments designed to meet the organisationsÆ learning needs; assessments to meet external assessment and learning needs; current areas of exploration in assessing social change; desire for gatherings and exchanges with peers; possible future areas of exploration and/or collaboration; and visions for the future.

Source publication information
Report of a conference held at Gray Rocks, Canada, September 2003
22 p.
Andrew Mott, Community Learning Project, 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW - Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036

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