Should participatory learning and action be used in community based rehabilitation?

Publication year: 

Whilst there is growing rhetoric about equal rights for people with disabilities, it is rare to find those that have truly found a position of equal rights, opportunity and a voice. This essay explores the changing position of people with disabilities. It describes two approaches that both claim to facilitate participation by all: Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) and Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). The essay goes on to argue why it is important for the community - as opposed to the people with disabilities themselves - to be involved in community development. Finally, the potential for a combined approach (PLA and CBR) is explored, together with the reasons why this rarely happens.

Source publication information
Essay for MA Education and International Development: Health Promotion
15 p.

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D : Disability 3525
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00