Semi-Structured Interviewing by Multidisciplinary Teams in RRA

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This chapter sets out some principles of semi-structured interviewing. Often, a set of sub-topics of interest have been identified. These guide the interview. It is also guided by other tools used in the interview and by the selection of interviewees. Site and interviewee selection, made to take account of research hypotheses, are important, but can shift as the RRA proceeds. Triangulation can enhance the overall validity and reliability of interviews. This can also be done by focusing on different hierarchical levels of a system. The paper has sections on preparation for interviews, organisation of RRA work in time and space, protocols, who to interview, where to interview, group vs. individual or household interviews, closing the group ("important to control the direction of the interview"), non-verbal factors, controlling the interview, judging responses, probing, and leading questions. Other tools considered include conceptual tools such as calendars, maps etc., oral history, observation and direct measurement. The paper ends with a discussion of common errors.

Proceedings of the 1985 International Conference on Rapid Rural Appraisal
Khon Kaen University
Available at IDS for reference
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Khon Kaen University
Publisher reference: 
Khon Kaen University

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