Rural family and child welfare project, Bangladesh, internal evaluation

Publication year: 

This report summarizes the result of the 2nd Internal evaluation of the ongoing 4th phase implementation of the 'Rural Family and Welfare Project'. The evaluation objective was not only to assess the current progress of the project and the willingness of the actors at the village level to sustain the program but also to 'test relatively new methodological approaches, mainly PRA, in order to further strengthen grassroot participation'. In doing so the report devotes a great deal of attention to exploring the ideology and rational behind the 'PRA approach' to M&E and provides an extremely useful summary of the key issues involved (in Chapters 1 and 2). There were six main methods applied in this evaluation: 'Rapport building with participants', 'Transect walks', 'Matrix scoring and ranking', 'Trend and situation analysis', 'Dramatized case study/role play' and 'Balloon opinion analysis'. Each of these methods are well introduced in the first two introductory chapters, while the results generated from their application are provided in the remainder of the report. An extensive bibliography is also provided in Chapter 7. This report presents a powerful, and well argued, case for the use of both PRA methods and a 'PRA orientation' in M&E activities (as the reported highly positive impact of these evaluation activities illustrates) while, in addition, it provides a well structured basic reference source for those interested in implementing such activities.

Interest groups: 
This internal evaluation report may prove especially useful for managers and field workers who might be contemplating employing PRA methods in their M&E since it covers in detail some of the principle PRA methods that can be used.
ix, 98 p
Enfants du Mond, Department of Social Services
Available at IDS for reference
Publisher reference: 
Enfants du Mond, Department of Social Services

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D : Monitoring and evaluation 828
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00