Rural development forestry network paper, no. 24d

Publication year: 

This network paper from the Rural Development Forestry Network presents two papers. The first paper Participatory Curriculum Development: a Workshop to Update the Forest Guards Course in Nepal looks at how the development of community forestry initiatives in Nepal has necessitated a new role for Forest Guards. It gives a detailed account of the FINNIDA-funded collaborative process used to update the curriculum for forest guard training. A workshop of 14 forestry staff of all ranks worked through a framework of pragmatic questions, loosely based on Skilbeck's situational analysis model, to decide in turn the context, purpose, content, teaching methods, specific course objectives, means of implementing and means of evaluating Forest Guard training. The good sense of the resultant curriculum - focused on what Forest Guards actually did - meant that it was able to be adopted by trainers immediately. The second paper, Base-line Training Needs Assessment for Community Forestry in South Africa examines the shifting of emphasis from commercial forestry to the full range of tree-associated activities in the country, following the new government in South Africa in 1994 that brought in new forestry policy in 1996. New skills for community forestry were needed; this paper reported the results of a Danish-funded basic needs assessment (BNA) for forestry training. Although certificate courses in community forestry were non-existent, several organisations already provided participatory courses. Training needs were wide due to the large environmental and social variation in the country. Thus the BNA recommended a flexible modular approach with a focus on 'people skills'. In conclusion the author noted that forestry training and practice had already changed rapidly since the BNA.  Please note there is only an electronic version of the second paper.

Source publication information
ODI rural development forestry network paper, no. 24d
28 p.
Overseas Development Institute, 111 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JD, UK
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D : Agriculture and NRM : Forestry and agroforestry 5065
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00