Review Worshop on Institutionalising Participation in Natural Resource Management, Hyderabad, 1-4 th December 1999

Publication year: 

This review assesses the changing trend in participatory approaches to natural resource management, which is seeing a move away from a case by case approach to adopting and applying participatory approaches on a large scale. The review forms part of the action research initiative by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton, UK, that seeks to analyse the dynamics of institutionalising and scaling up participatory processes and approaches for natural resource management. The analysis was conducted in the following contexts: village resource management, participatory watershed management, farmer centred and participatory integrated pest management and local sustainable natural resource management plans. Partner organisations were from Senegal, Burkina Faso, India, Indonesia and Mexico. The report presents the discussions including the key questions raised and summarises the outcomes from the review.

Source publication information
26 p. + Annexes
Rakhi Gupta, ERM India, A-8 Chittarajan Park, New Delhi - 110 019, India

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Environment and resource management 3857
Post date: 31/01/2006 - 00:00