A review of World Bank participatory poverty assessments : consultations with the poor

Publication year: 

A review of participatory poverty assessment made by the World Bank. Poverty is discussed from the perspective of the poor, followed by a study of poor people's experience with the state, and their interaction with civil society. The household as a key social instiution is examined and gender issues are also considered. Social fragementation is considered specifically relating to widows and also to the policy. The report concludes with policy recommendations.

Source publication information
Prepared for the Global Synthesis Workshop, September 22 - 23, 1999, Poverty Group, PREM, World Bank
226 p.
World Bank
Patti Petesch, PRMPO, The World Bank, MC4-590, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA
Washington, DC
Publisher reference: 
World Bank

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D : Poverty 3665
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00