Review of Alternative Strategies

Publication year: 

This paper reviews efforts in the early 1970s by both governmental and nongovernmental bodies in rehabilitating minor irrigation systems with the aim of enhancing performance, water management practices, productivity and rural living conditions. The strategies adopted varied with each minor irrigation scheme. These variations in intervention methods related to selection criteria, planning and implementing procedures, farmer participation and management practices. Comparative assessments are carried out and recommendations for sustainable improvement and management of village irrigation systems given.

Interest groups: 
Of interest primarily to those working with the management of irrigation schemes, both NGOs and government attempting to start work at the community level.
Source publication information
IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka, no. 7
International Irrigation Management Institute
Publisher reference: 
International Irrigation Management Institute

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Irrigation 468
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00