A Report on Follow Up on PRA at Uganda and PRA Training Workshops in Ethiopia and Recommendations for FTPP Strategy in Uganda and Ethiopia

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The Forests, Trees and People Programme (FTPP) is a participatory programme addressing the management of natural resources. FTPP (i) organised a PRA training workshop in Uganda, and a follow-up workshop six months later to ascertain the use of PRA by participating institutions and the problems faced. Also, (ii) FTPP identified the need for a PRA workshop in Ethiopia. This report is an outcome and assessment of these activities. Regarding (i), it reports the experiences of participants in using PRA, problems and constraints, future developments envisaged by participants and issues for follow-up and networking. Regarding (ii) it reports on the training, noting positive aspects and constraints, and discusses issues for future organisation of training and follow-up. The report contains numerous valuable observations on behaviour and attitudes, group dynamics, facilitating wealth and well-being ranking, training, networking, and follow-up activities. It also contains descriptions of the findings of the PRA exercises in Ethiopia. Many comments are specific to Uganda or Ethiopia, but others will be of general interest to trainers, facilitators and practitioners.

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00