This chapter describes the authors' experience of undertaking a 3-week survey of an area in India where a drinking water project was to be implemented. The authors state their surprise at how much could be achieved in three weeks, but note some conditions for this. The conditions and process of fieldwork are described in detail. Consideration of what constitutes a 'region' as a useful/valid unit for research is discussed: where does one include and how does one do the job? Problems of validity and reliability are discussed. The major problems with this sort of rapid appraisal are discussed in the conclusion. A postscript (1985) gives a reaction to the experience 5 years later, in which they further stress the limitations of rapid fieldwork.
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Interest groups:
This chapter may be of interest to those acting as external consultants to programmes and projects undertaking rapid assessments.
Focus on the Region in Asia
van der Muijzenberg, O.|Streefland, P.|Wolters, W.