Publication year:
This report marks the fourth year of the five year Reality Check Approach (RCA) in Bangladesh. It presents findings from the fourth period of field work carried out in October–November 2010. The aim of the report is to present as accurately as possible the day to day realities of people living in poverty, and in ways that minimise imposition of an authorial voice.
The overall purpose of Reality Check study in Bangladesh is to improve understanding of poor people’s reality. Its design allows researchers to interact and build trust with communities and households.By living in the target communities for intervals over a five year period, a more in-depth understanding of grassroot’s realities have emerged and poor people’s voices have been heard.
The Governments of Sweden and Bangladesh cooperate in the areas of primary health care and primary education and the focus of this study is to monitor perceptions in these two areas. Direct observations on how services are provided and utilised are part of the study as well as listening to both receivers and providers of these services.