Rapid Assessment of the Food and Nutrition Security Impact of the CARE Food Programming Activitites in Eastern Shewa and Western Hararghe

Publication year: 

A rapid food security assessment was carried out in Eastern Shewa and Western Hararghe to determine what CARE food-assisted projects have been undertaken, and what impact they have had on the participants. To determine whether the projects were properly designed, a rapid assessment of the household food security situation in each project area was carried out. Peasant Associations were selected on the basis of accessibility, main economic activity, distance from main roads, and history of food assistance. Two villages in which CARE assistance was not provided were surveyed in order to compare project areas with nonproject areas. Information sources included a document review, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Other interviews were conducted with government agencies, and collaborating institutions such as United Nations organizations and other NGOs.

Interest groups: 
May interest those working at district level on project evaluation and project design.
CARE USA, CARE ETHIOPIA, and US Agency for International Development (USAID).
[Washington, DC]
Publisher reference: 
CARE USA, CARE ETHIOPIA, and US Agency for International Development (USAID).

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D : Food security 268
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00