The International Conference on Rapid Assessment Methodologies for Planning and Evaluating Health Related Programmes, was organised by the United Nations University, at the Pan American Health Organisation headquarters in 1990, to "explore anthropologically based methodologies for the design, evaluation, and improvement of programmes of nutrition and primary health care". The 42 chapters on Rapid Assessment Procedures [RAP], Rapid Rural Appraisal [RRA], and related approaches deal with a range of research tools. The book is divided in to seven sections: 1. The expanding role of Qualitative research in International Development; 2. Development and applications of RAP procedures in Africa, Asia and the Americas; 3. Community Participation and RRA; 4. Institutionalization of RAP; 5. Training for RAP and other qualitative methods; 6. Bringing RAP to the decision-making realm: effective communication and use; 7. Conference summary, comments, speakers and participants. The overall focus is on planning and evaluation of nutrition and health related intervention programs, but much that is discussed will have a direct bearing on other social development sectors. The stated aim of the volume, of contributing "toward increasing the understanding of RAP and RRA, both as tools of investigation and potentially as integrated components of the community development process itself", highlights this point.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
The reader of this volume is provided with a wide breadth of applications of RAP and RRA and, as such, it will be of particular interest to health and nutrition project designers and managers, healthworkers at all levels; those working for the Government, donor agencies, or NGOs. Practitioners in other development sectors may also find this book useful.
528 p.
Publisher reference:
International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries