Studio Ijambo was set up more than 2 years ago following large scale massacres that broke out between the two main ethnic groups in Burundi. During this period, there were 'hate radio' stations that focused on ethnic issues, furthering the already existing mistrust between the two ethnic groups. Studio Ijambo was created to try to show people that there is an alternative to violence and that compromise can be reached through dialogue. The programmes focus on issues of socio-political and economic interest, which directly involve people in their daily lives. Radio is used as a medium for increasing people's knowledge and therefore understanding of situations and of people with different interests and priorities. Through this greater understanding, negotiation and peaceful resolution becomes possible. This story focuses on the petrol price rise imposed by the government. How different people and sectors felt about this is recorded through street interviews and studio discussions and presented in radio programme format.
Publication year:
42 - 45
Publisher reference:
International Institute for Environment and Development