PRs processes, participation and statelessness: exploring some dilemmas in Somalia

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The article explores the processes involved with the interim poverty reduction strategy paper (i-PRSP) in place in Somaliaùa substitute for a PRSP in a place that is æstatelessÆ. The author argues that the practices of some international agencies form a major barrier to Somali Civil Society Organisations participating in poverty reduction strategy processes. The article begins with background information about Somalia, the civil war, and the resulting anarchy and chaos that has become the status quo. The author then looks critically at the two most recent poverty reduction strategies in Somalia specifically from the perspective of the Somali Aid Coordination Body (SACB). The article suggests that in contrast to the founding principles, the process have become exclusive and that significant challenges face the participation of civil society organisations in Somalia:ôWhen you are a Somali and have long witnessed the international aid community bringing medicines to cure chillblains, and electrically-heated blankets, along with slimming soups and diet drinks to your starving communityùit is not hard to see the lack of international partnersÆ will to provide spaces for peopleÆs participation in an æinternationally ownedÆ PRS in Somalia.ö

Source publication information
Journal Title: 
Participatory learning and action
No. 51
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK
Publisher reference: 
International Institute for Environment and Development

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Post date: 05/05/2007 - 00:00