This booklet contains two papers. The first concerns process documentation, a tool for providing an action agency that adopts a new intervention strategy with continuous information about activities in a few project sites and the problems and issues emerging from the field activities. The information provided then becomes a major source for identifying strategies of field implementation, policy directions and can help reorient the agency to a new mode of working with clients. To illustrate, the paper discusses the use of process documentation in efforts by the National Irrigation Administration to organise farmer-users of small scale irrigation systems into viable irrigation associations. The second paper (by J. Volante) discusses the role of participant observation in process documentation research. It discusses the steps and procedures in accomplishing participant observation work during pre-field, fieldwork and writing phases of research, giving tips for good participant observation.
Interest groups:
This paper may interest those involved in learning processes as part of institutional building efforts relating to irrigation systems.
Publisher reference:
Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University