Proceedings of the International Symposium on Participatory Research in Health Promotion

Publication year: 

This document reports on the proceedings of an international symposium on participatory research (PR) in health promotion, which was held in Liverpool, UK in September 1993. It contains the full text of three keynote addresses: an historical perspective to participatory research; the challenges and concerns presented by feminism; and a case study of participatory action research in a women's health programme in India. Short (2-3 page) summaries of the introductions to the workshops are also presented, covering a range of PR and health-related issues. These include: training in PR; examples of frameworks to implement PR; evaluation of participation; relationships between research institutions and communities; integration of PR in government services; participation of health workers in formative research and evaluation; PR in healthy city projects in the UK; community-based needs assessment and health information systems; reflections on and examples of PR in women's health; use of PR in HIV/AIDS prevention; the use of draw and write methods with schoolchildren; PR and the promotion of health in the work setting; and the use of PR in water and sanitation projects.

Interest groups: 
These symposium proceedings will be of special interest to researchers and practitioners working on health promotion.
163 p.
Education Resource Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Education Resource Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medecine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK.
Publisher reference: 
Education Resource Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00