PRA: some issues raised by experience in the north

Publication year: 

This opens with a lengthy discussion on the evolution of PRA, and the possible role that PRA and participation in general has to play in development, in particular the role of the outsider. During fieldwork for a short course, the island of Great Bernera, off Stornaway in the Outer Hebrides was visited by 6 students and 'facilitators'. They spent three days examining the applicability of PRA, both in the 'Northern' context and as a technique for going in cold to a new area. This was not a PRA, as such, as it was a finite training exercise. Although a lot was learnt, on both sides, in the few days, it was concluded that PRA has only limited application in new situations, where it should be handled very carefully. Most methods were considerer 'culturally' acceptable, but there was felt to be some problems with, for example, seasonal calenders, as seasons were not important considerations to the people.

Interest groups: 
Of interest to those concerned with the applicability of PRA, researchers, trainers and practitioners.
16 p.
Tina Wallace, Oxfam, Oxford, UK
Development Studies Association Conference
Conference Location: 
Lancaster, UK, 9-7 September, 1994

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00