The new adult literacy methodology REFLECT (Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Empowering Community Techniques) uses PRA methods to teach literacy instead of a traditional primer. This workshop discussed the experiences of the three pilot projects in Bangladesh, El Salvador and Uganda. Six sources to this new approach are identified as : Freire, PRA, visual literacy, women's literacy, numeracy and the failure of other methods. Role play was used to show workshop participants the process of map and matrix construction and how literacy/numeracy work emerged. Discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of REFELECT led to workshops on : PRA philosophy and practice, materials development, organisation, training facilitators, learner assessment, monitoring and evaluating empowerment, gender and REFLECT, adapting to urban areas and post-literacy. Individual reports of these workshops describe and discuss in more detail issues around implementation of REFLECT and actual training methods used.
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This detailed account of a workshop on linking PRA with literacy learning would interest trainers of trainers, trainers and fieldworkers.
47 p.
D. Archer and S. Cottingham