PRA, Gender and Conflict Resolution : Some problems and possibilities

Publication year: 

This paper describes a game and a story that were presented during the workshop to show how PRA can "help people to address and resolve conflict". The TASO game (described in the appendix) was used to illustrate current HIV transmission rates in Uganda. The story showed how PRA exercises conducted by Redd Barna in Zimbabwe brought out women's and men's different views of a proposed irrigation scheme. The potential for PRA to help resolve such conflicts is the emphasis placed on "the value of good communication skills". Development workers need to learn "facilitation and arbitration skills" in order to deal with, rather than "glossing over" conflict and "failing to acknowledge the political dimensions to all our interventions". Psychological stress (particularly in relation to HIV and AIDS) also needs to be recognised as "a valid development issue".

Interest groups: 
The issues raised about the implications PRA has for addressing conflict should interest trainers, planners, fieldworkers and researchers.
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD, UK
PRA and Gender Workshop
Conference Location: 
IDS, Sussex, 6 - 7 December, 1993

How to find this resource

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D : HIV/AIDS 381
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00