This film was made alongside a PRA training workshop in Kyrghyzstan, which was attended by NGO workers from other Central Asian countries. It emphasises that behaviour and attitudes are key to PRA (02). Exercises to highlight this include role playing as a dominator and saboteur (03). Visualisation and æhanding over the stickÆ are ways to minimise dominance. Embracing error is another key tenet (06). The bulk of the video shows various methods being used by villagers and being presented back to the training workshop. These include semi-structured interviews (07), mapping (08), transects (10), matrices (11) historical matrices (12), timelines, seasonality charts and daily schedules (14), Venn diagrams (16), pie charts (18), network and flow charts (20), and card-sorting (22). The video ends with workshop participantsÆ reflections on the experience, the potential of PRA in Central Asia (24-30).
Publication year:
30 mins