Pollution in the Kabul River: A Village Perspective: Final report

Publication year: 

As part of a study of pollution in the Kabul River initiated by IUCN- Pakistan and others in 1992, a PRA was carried out in the village of Deri Zadad to examine the effects of pollution on health, downstream water uses and fisheries. Water pollution has negatively affected agriculture, the economic mainstay, and is the cause of human and livestock health hazards. Since the villagers have no control over the polluting process, they cope by finding alternative sources of water for drinking, irrigation and for livestock. The report includes interesting figures of the matrix scoring, time lines, and impact and causal diagrams used to determine water sources, impact of water pollution and changes in sources.

Interest groups: 
This report may be of interest to researchers and community level fieldworkers, especially those interested in pollution of natural resources.
61 p.
IUCN Pakistan Programme
Publisher reference: 
IUCN Pakistan Programme

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D : Water and sanitation 649
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00