People, policy, participation: making watershed management work in India

Publication year: 

This critical essay is published as part of the institutionalising participation project, which explores the dynamics of institutionalising people-centred processes and participatory approaches for natural resource management. This book in particular examines the evolution of policymaking in natural resource management and the emphasis on community control over planning, implementation and management of projects in the specific contexts of watersheds. It traces the major trends in policy over a decade from the landmark 1995 guidelines for watershed development to the Haryali guidelines of 2003, and the incorporation of participatory approaches. The report indicates that a well-drafted policy is not enough to achieve a complex set of objectives, and looks at how organisational cultures and capacities need to be considered. It also argues that local people need to be involved directly. The report is based on a case study of five districts in Andhra Pradesh and draws on the wider experiences of some government agencies, NGOs, research, donors and secondary literature.

Source publication information
Instutionalising participation series
xii, 143 p.
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK
Publisher reference: 
International Institute for Environment and Development

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D : Governance : Participation in Policy Processes 4816
Post date: 05/05/2007 - 00:00