The Arusha-based Urban Vegetable Promotion Project had the idea that small plots of vegetable cultivated by urban dwellers might be an answer to inadequate nutrition. Participatory Urban Appraisal (PUA) training was held for community workers who would be involved in the project. This report details both the theoretical and practical sessions, including the data that emerged from activities such as income and expenditure calendar, social mapping, time line, pairwise ranking of problems around cultivation of plots, and option assessment charts. Although materials used (eg bottle tops) for activities suggest the urban context, as well as 'negative attitudes' towards participating, the specific differences of working in an urban context are not explicitly addressed in the report.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
This comprehensive report of a PRA training programme held in an urban area may interest trainers of trainers, trainers and fieldworkers
48 p.
Publisher reference:
Urban Vegetable Promotion Project