Participatory Rural Appraisal for Village Resource Management Plan : User's guidelines.

Publication year: 

Details the activities of a 60 field orientated PRA training programme. The purpose of the training was to enable village resource management planning to become participatory. The recommendations from the training excercise include follow up to the PRA and the development of VRMPs; sharing of knowledge about PRA; study trip to India for project staff to see PRA in practice; encouragement of village level animators. The remainder of the report consists of details of the itinery of the consultant, schedules of the PRA training workshops and methods of evaluations of the courses

Interest groups: 
For trainers interested learning how others plan and schedule training sessions.
Source publication information
Mimeo for North Western Province Dry Zone Participatory Development Project
12p + appendices
Available at IDS for reference : may be possible to obtain it from the consultant, 10 Rammohon Roy Road, Calcutta, India.

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
A : Participatory Approaches : PRA and PLA 197
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00